The First Nations Tax Commission supports First Nation governments in implementing property tax systems and expanding their jurisdiction. The FNTC provides helpful tools including sample laws and by-laws, standards and policies, and support and training to ensure First Nations are benefitting from their property tax systems and that property taxpayers are receiving high quality services.
The purpose of the FNTC goes beyond property tax and local revenues. The FNTC is about creating the legal and administrative framework necessary for markets to work on First Nation lands, creating a competitive First Nation investment climate, and using economic growth as the catalyst for greater First Nation self-reliance.
The FNTC has now approved over 760 laws under the Act, and FMA First Nations are generating over $80 million in property tax revenues annually. With the recent amendments to the FMA, First Nations have expanded tax powers and are developing new laws, further exercising their jurisdiction in their communities.
Head Office:
321-345 Chief Alex Thomas Way
Kamloops, BC
V2H 1H1 Canada
Phone: +1 250-828-9857
Fax: +1 250-828-9858
National Capital Region Office:
Suite 202-190 O’Connor Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 2R3, Canada
Phone: +1 613-789-5000
Fax: +1 613-789-5008
Web: fntc.ca